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Completely You: Food

Eat to lose Weight

By Karen Cicero for completely You

Do you run out the door in the morning with just coffee in your stomach — or maybe nothing at all? We’re a country of breakfast skippers: Although 93 percent of adults agree that a morning meal is an crucial part of a healthy diet, a lot more than half of us don’t practice what we preach, according to a recent survey by the international Food information Council.

¿Cuál es tu excusa? Dawn Jackson Blatner, a registered dietitian, spokesperson for the American Dietetic association and nutrition expert for the Chicago Cubs, makes toast out of every reason to avoid starting the day off right.

Breakfast Blow-off: “I’m trying to lose weight.”

Wake-up Call: eating in the morning actually helps you slim down. When you’re sleeping, your metabolism — how you burn calories and fat — slows to practically a crawl. but a meal revs up your body’s fat-burning ability, says Blatner. Besides the metabolism boost, breakfast gives you willpower. “I think of it as the prevention meal,” she says. “When you eat in the morning, you’ll be less likely to take second helpings at lunch and dinner, and have a better chance of resisting temptations throughout the day, like the bowl of candy at work.”

In fact, four in five successful dieters — those who have lost 30 pounds or a lot more and kept it off on average for six years — make time for breakfast every day, according to the national Weight control Registry at the university of Colorado health Sciences center in Denver. and don’t let your kids out of the house on an empty stomach either. A recent study of a lot more than 4,000 British schoolchildren found that those who skipped breakfast were 62 to 92 percent a lot more likely to be obese than students who had a morning meal.

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Breakfast Blow-off: “I don’t feel like eating in the morning.”

Wake-up Call: Skipping breakfast will leave you sluggish all morning long. By the time you wake up, your body has used up a lot of of its fuel for energy overnight, and your blood sugar is low. If you don’t raise it with food, you’re dooming yourself to feeling fatigued and unfocused for hours. In fact, research shows that eating breakfast improves performance on brainy tasks for both children and adults.

If you’re not hungry shortly after you wake up, you’re probably eating too much at night, says Blatner. cut back on after-supper snacks and eat less at dinner. “It just takes a couple of days to re-adjust your body to the new schedule,” she says.

Breakfast Blow-off: “I’m running late.”

Wake-up Call: Whether you’ve got to get to work or your workout, there are lots of good options you can make in five minutes and eat on the run. Blatner’s equation for a balanced breakfast: one whole-grain food (toast, cereal, English muffin) and one protein-rich food (milk, yogurt, nut butter, eggs, turkey bacon), plus at least one serving of produce (any fruit or veggie). According to a recent study at the university of Nottingham, eating a whole-grain breakfast with fruit can help you burn 50 percent a lot more fat at the gym than chowing down on refined carbs like white bread and doughnuts.

Eating this way is easy and delicious. try these quick and easy morning fixes:

1 toasted frozen whole-grain waffle topped with fruit sauce made by pureeing ½ cup berries and 1 tablespoon maple syrup. “I’ve got a lot of the Cub players eating this,” says Blatner.

Yogurt, cereal and chopped fruit layered in a bowl for a breakfast sundae. “Use low-fat, protein-rich Greek yogurt because it’s thicker and won’t get the cereal soggy,” she suggests.

Instant oatmeal with nuts and apples.

Sliced hard-boiled eggs (made the night before) on English muffins with a side of fruit.

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For kids, Blatner suggests:

A peanut butter and strawberry sandwich on whole-wheat bread.

Scrambled eggs rolled into a whole-grain tortilla with orange slices on the side.

Breakfast Blow-off: “I don’t like breakfast food.”

Wake-up Call: If you’re not a fan of noTarifa de desayuno RMAL, coma algo más que contenga los tres componentes de desayuno cruciales antes mencionados. Las sobras de la cena como la pizza vegetariana en la corteza integral, el arroz integral con frutas y nueces secas, e incluso la sopa de tomate cremosa con crutones integrales cuentan como un desayuno nutritivo. La creación favorita de Blatner: “Batir el requesón bajo en grasa con cebollino y limón, y extiendo eso en mi tostada de grano integral. Luego puse un par de rodajas de tomate en la parte superior. Me recuerda a Italia “. ¡Mangia!

Karen Cicerón es completamente que necesitas conocer a Blogger. Periodista de salud y editora de revistas con muchos más de 15 años de experiencia, ha contribuido a publicaciones como prevención, yo y salud, y ha editado la columna dental para la revista Heart & Soul.

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